Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Climate change, a term encompassing the profound and multifaceted shifts in global climate patterns, signals not merely an alteration in weather but an intricate and overarching transformation of the Earth's atmospheric, terrestrial, and oceanic systems. Driven predominantly by anthropogenic factors—chiefly the rampant emission of greenhouse gases—this phenomenon manifests in escalating global temperatures, sea level rise, and disruptive weather events. Yet, beyond the empirical and ecological dimensions, climate change speaks also to an existential shift, challenging our relationality with the living world, the narratives we weave, and the modes of being we embody. It calls forth a deepening awareness and response, a reconnection with the fragile interdependence of all life, demanding not only technological and policy shifts but a profound metamorphosis in our collective consciousness.

See also: dependent origination, scientific revolution, western enlightenment, conceptual framework

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